Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Back on Track

Ok, cutting to it:

The PET-CT scan on 12/10 was finally compared to the original one from July and everyone is happy. While I did not speak to the doctor myself, and I am very careful with my mother's description of phone conversations, I believe she's in good shape. She said the doctor's nurse called and said the comparison showed good progress, and that Dr. Tiersten was very happy with the report.

I will call myself tomorrow to get as many details as I can but every time there has been "concerned" news they have called me and not my mother because they know I am the "go to person." Today they called her and I have to believe it was because it was only a good report.

More when I get details....

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Busy 2 months--waiting game

Never, ever assume things are moving along positively all the time. November's trip to the oncologist proved there are bumps in the road. Every month they take blood and check protein markers. Up until November the markers had been steadily decreasing. November: stabilization.

While stabilization is not a bad thing, it is not what the doctors want yet. So the PET-CT scan that was scheduled for January was moved up to December just to be "conservative." Needless to say, no matter how many times they tell me not to worry....I mean, come off it!

So on Friday, 12/12 we drove up to NY, mom had the PET-CT done and we came home. Monday we go back for the December appointment and a review of the scan. If they dare tell me they don't have the results I'll scream. The scan was done on the 2nd floor of the SAME building the oncologist is in. According to my cousin, a radiologist on the other side of the city, but who did all her medical schooling at NYU, they could have read the scan right there on the spot after it was done. So go on, I dare you tell me you don't have the results.

More Monday night---just hoping and praying we didn't take any steps backwards.